So you are looking to purchase a property, for investment or your family home. It is a very exciting and emotional time, all you want to do is pick up the keys and enjoy your home…Wait…You have all heard the horror stories.
We took possession of our property and you would not believe it, the stumps had all failed and the house needed to be completely re-stumped. The newly renovated shower was also leaking and had damaged the structure. The bathroom needed to be completely re-built or there was damage to the frame from termite attack so we had to remove the roof to replace all the damaged timbers. While we were at work our hot water failed in our apartment and flooded the lower level apartment’s and we discovered it was illegally installed etc.
How To Avoid This From Happening To You
Due to cases like mentioned above most people enjoy the peace of mind of knowing that their purchase is not going to be a money pit because they are risk adverse and have their properties inspected by a licensed and insured inspector.
However we still hear the horror stories of people who don’t bother with the correct checks and end up with the dud. We recently conducted an inspection for one of our valued clients in the Bentleigh area, the property was renovated had great street appeal he was very excited and looking forward to the auction on the week end. We received the phone call and booked in the inspection in with the agent.
Once we completed the inspections we forwarded the reports to our client (same day of the inspection) we then called to talk the client through the extensive defects present at the property. Here are a small portion of some of the issues we identified;
Additional Re-stumping Required
The property had been completely re-stumped and this was used by the agent as a selling point. However the stumps were not positioned under the joints or connection points of the bearers so at every connection point of the bearers there needed to be put in additional stumps to ensure the structure remained stable, also where the floor had dropped due to the lack of support it need to be lifted back to its correct position with hydraulic jacks.
The Roof Angle Was Too Flat
The roof to the extension area of the rear of the dwelling had been built with little or no fall and the material used was not suitable, this led to water entry to the structure causing further defects and concerns.
Flaws In The Roof Structure
The roof frame structure was altered, it was clearly not undertaken by a licensed or qualified tradesperson. The impact of this work had meant that deflection or sagging had occurred to the roof covering in this case tiled roof. It was like looking at a waves at the ocean. The roof needed to be straightened and additional framing installed to rectify all in a confined area.
Sounds expensive……yes! However, as you would understand our client did not proceed with the property. Our client did not have tens of thousands to spare after laying out the funds required to obtain the property, that is without considering the time and stresses placed on his family involved in fixing the issues.
Our client went to the auction and could not believe the amount of money that the purchaser paid for the property. Did they buy the property with the full knowledge of the hidden defects and future costs to rectify?
We do not affiliate with agents and remain completely independent and we do not inform the agents of the condition of the property. This information is reserved for our clients. We had a phone call from the purchaser of the dwelling because the agent must have informed him that we had conducted the inspections. He asked to purchase a copy of the reports.
We went through the steps of arranging this process and sent a copy of the reports to the person who did buy the property, we then made a call to him once he had enough time digest the contents of the reports. During the conversation with the purchaser he went very quiet. He did a lot of sighing as the facts sunk in to what was required to bring the property up to standard.
Our first client went on to buy a property in great condition just down the road a couple of weeks later, needless to say he had his inspections in place.
This is just one example, were we have been able to save our clients a bucket load of money, don’t end up owning some other persons problems.
Whether you are buying an investment property or the family home, don’t be the person who ends up with the dud. So the correct answer is “Everyone” buying property needs a Building Inspector.
Don’t get caught out use Inspect East Building Inspections Melbourne.